Farys will be less reachable from 2 January to 5 January
On 1 January 2025, 28 municipalities in Flanders merge into 13 new merger municipalities.
Farys finds it important to write to its customers at the correct address. Therefore, between 2 and 5 January, we update the address database with the addresses of the new merger municipalities. This means we will be less reachable during that period.
How can you still contact us?
- The website will remain online.
- You can continue to submit meter readings via www.farys.be/meterstand-doorgeven.
- You can also fill in the web forms: www.farys.be/en/contact-webforms.
- As always, you can report urgent defects by telephone.
What is not possible and must wait until 6 January?
- MyFarys is not available.
- Where are we working: the overview page is not available.
- General questions: the general telephone number is not available.