Prices and rates
A uniform rate structure applies for all Flemish water companies. This ensures a transparent water bill across Flanders by structuring the bill in a uniform way.
Rate for water
What you pay for your drinking water depends on how much water you consume. Moreover, you pay a combined water price, which includes not only the production and transport costs of drinking water, but also the treatment cost of wastewater.
More on the water rate in your municipality
Invoicing of private water
As a private water supply user, you must pay for the disposal and treatment of your wastewater. That is why we charge you an annual fee.
This fee varies by municipality.
We distinguish between pure and mixed private water supply users. Mixed private water supply users use not only their private water but also tap water.
Rates for pure private water supply users
Rates for mixed private water supply usersFor small consumers, only the discharge of groundwater is billed;
for large consumers, all forms of private water supply are billed.
Rates for large consumers